Award winning film director, producer and screenwriter.
Creator of the #1 best selling documentary on iTunes, 'General Magic'.

'Life in the Half Life'
The photographer and artist Andrea Basteris travelled to Chernobyl in northern Ukraine to document the land scarred by the effects of decades of radiation exposure, conflict, and tragedy. Through her work, Basteris examines the unique and haunting equilibrium between humanity and nature, in arguably one of the most dangerous locations on the planet.
Basteris’ documentation of Chernobyl and its surrounding areas – devoid of humanity, filled with the never ending legacy of nuclear fallout – provide a timely reminder of the horrors of atomic disaster and the apocalyptic consequences following the use of nuclear weapons. Her images explores the delicate balance between life and loss, peace and conflict, and humanity’s lasting impact of nature.
I produced and curated Andrea's exhibition, directed and edited her moving image materials and created all the copy and design materials for her exhibition to support the work of Unicef in Ukraine